Bếp điện âm kính Bosch PKK651T14E
ID tin: 1663491Gửi lúc: 16:20, 01/06Đà Nẵng
Đã xem: 329
Bình luận: 0
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* CxRxS (mm): 5,1 x 592 x 522 mm
* U - Form Bevel with front touch control
* 3 quick light cooking zones with 2 dual circuit cooking zone:
- Center left: 2.0kW - 2.7kW (Ø210-Ø275mm)
- Rear right: 1.2kW (Ø145mm)
- Front right: 0.7kW - 2.2kW (Ø120-Ø210mm)
* Variable 17-stage power setting for each zone
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