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Spartak Tambov VS FK Sochi Russia Premier League

ID tin: 3573324Gửi lúc: 17:08, 25/08Toàn quốc
Đã xem: 5 Bình luận: 0
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Spartak Tambov VS FK Sochi - Russia Premier League Match Preview

FK Sochi

Sochi have 5 points in europa league ...ictions The Premier League, putting them in 7th place.There have been 24 matches played by this side over the course of the last year. They have 7 wins; 9 draws; and 8 losses. This recent form puts Sochi on a Win-Draw-Loss rate of: 29%-37%-33%.Over this period, they have scored 1.33 times per match, on average, while conceding 1.21.A look at their away record in this time. They have a win rate of 20% (2 wins) in their 10 away fixtures. 60% (6) Of these away games have been a draw, with the remaining 20% (2) being a loss.Their away scoring record for this period shows that their average number of goals scored is 1.3 and they have conceded 1.2 on average.


In their last ten matches, across all competitions, they have averaged 2.0 goals per match. In this time they have a win rate of 50%. There have been 8 occasions when both Sochi and their opponents have scored and the total number of matches with over 2.5 goals scored is 7 games over this same period.And they have scored in each of their last 10 matches.

Spartak Tambov soccer tips goals VS FK Sochi

Prediction:FK Sochi

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