Ví Louis Vuitton Eva like new

ID tin: 1545888Gửi lúc: 12:50, 28/01Hồ Chí Minh
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Em muốn thanh lý ví đeo LV Eva Đảm Bảo Hàng AUTH, Nếu là hàng TRUNG QUỐC đền x2

E dc tặng khoảng hơn 1 tháng mà chỉ dùng dc 3-4 lần. 

Túi Nhỏ khoác nhỏ gọn rất tiện lợi cho các chị e đeo đi dạo phố, chơi tết đựng lì xì và đi bar

E để lại 7tr5 cho chị nào quan tâm

Chị nào quan tâm có thể liện hệ qua 

Số điện thoại : 0906278910- 0929278698

Email: miumiu224@ymail.com
Facebook: https://www.fa...c.putin

Ví có code là DU1142 theo Phân tích mã code ở dưới Code này có nghĩa là DU= made in France, Được Sản xuất vào Tuần 14 của năm 2012



Date codes since the 90's consists of two letters followed by four numbers. The first two letters tell you "the

country where it is made" and the numbers tell you the "month and year it was manufactured".

For defination of letters, refer to the following: (Be aware that this list is not complete and only Louis Vuitton

has the complete list. The following is generated from personal experience):

France:  A1, A2, AA, AO, AC, AN, AR, AS, BA, BJ, CT, DU, ET, FL, FR, MB, MI, NO, ND, RA, RI, SD, SL, SN, SP, SR, TH,



Spain:  CA, LO, LB, LM, LW

Italy:  CE, MA, SA

Germany:  LP

The following are some examples:

Example I, Serial number "SP0011" means the bag is made in France and it was made on January, 2001. You take the

first and third digit as the month: 01 means January and you take the second and forth digit as the year: 01 means


Example II, Serial number "LA0999" means the bag is made in USA on 09 (means September, take first and third digit),

year 1999 (take second and last digit 99 meaning year 1999, only last 2 digits of the year is displayed for


Now what do you think serial number "CA0917" mean? Yes, your right, it means Made in Spain, January 1997.



Since January 2007, Louis Vuitton has yet adopted another serial number reading system. Instead of first and third

digit being the month, it now means the week of the year the bag was made. For example, VI 2007 translates "Made in

France 20th week of 2007 meaning around the third week of May. This was perhaps changed to combat the counterfeit



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