Máy kiểm tra lực kéo nén lò xo, spring testing machine

ID tin: 2182180Gửi lúc: 08:29, 24/12Hồ Chí Minh
Đã xem: 126 Bình luận: 0
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212/D72C Nguyen Trai, Phuong Nguyen Cu Trinh, Q1, TPHCM
Ảnh số 1: Máy kiểm tra lực kéo nén lò xo, spring testing machine
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- Tên sản phẩm: Máy kiểm tra lực kéo nén lò xo, spring testing machine - Model: Máy kiểm tra lực kéo nén lò xo, spring testing machine - Tiêu chuẩn: Chau au - Xuất xứ: Taiwan - Đơn giá: lien he - Bảo hành: 12 Tháng - Model khác: Máy kiểm tra lực kéo nén lò xo, spring testing machine     MÔ TẢ SẢN PHẨM

Model  /  SHRTop of Form

Bottom of Form

Product Description

Outline of SHR Type Spring Tester:

·         Test options:Tensile test & compression test

·         Screen display:Test data, totalization function, wrok No. registration(100Nos.), dispersion distribution bar graph

·         Unit options:Kgf(N, lb)

·         Operation options:Load measurement acc.to set length, length messurement acc. To set load Max.number of mesurement stages:Ten Max. stop time in each stage 999.9 sec.

·         Length resolution:0.01mm

·         Variable speed: 1 to 600mm/min

·         Automatic distortion correction:Corrects rigid distortion automatically

·         Automatic origin setting function:Displays the date where the origin was set last.

·         Load resolution:1/100000 max.

·         Protective functions:Overload stop function & emergency stop button

Product Feature

The MODEL-SHR Ⅱ Series testers are the newest type high-performance spring testers. Their advanced functions facilitate various measurement item setting and input point setting, which have been very troublesome. The user only has to follow instructions displayed on the screen to input various items and may register a maximum of 100 work numbers. The screen provides real-time display of measured data and dispersion distribution bar graphs. It is possible to set a maximum of ten each measurement stages for both the normail spring tests and length measurement according to preset loads.

Product Specifications













Min. length reading


Test speed


Max. meassurable length


Compression plate diameter


Hook for tensile test

1 stage

2 stage



Power supply



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Công Ty Cổ Phần Máy Công Nghiệp Toàn Cầu

DC: 979 Trần Xuân Soạn, Phường Tân Hưng, Q7, TP.HCM

ĐT: 08 39373374

DĐ: 0938 82 59 13

Hotline: 0904 259271

Website: http://maycong....net.vn

Website: http://quocthai.vn

Thông tin shop bán
toancau10102013 0904259271
212/D72C Nguyen Trai, Phuong Nguyen Cu Trinh, Q1, TPHCM
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Thông tin shop bán
toancau10102013 0904259271
212/D72C Nguyen Trai, Phuong Nguyen Cu Trinh, Q1, TPHCM
Ảnh số 1: Máy kiểm tra lực kéo nén lò xo, spring testing machine