Tool And Die Production Guide

ID tin: 3827766Gửi lúc: 17:57, 17/04Hồ Chí Minh
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One of the best tool and die p...n guide service providers today is Tri Viet Mechanical. The company is known as an enterprise with extensive experience in the field of mold manufacturing. Not only immediately, currently Tri Viet also accepts and designs many other types: metal encoding, continuous encoding, Rmax encoding,...




Tool and mold manufacturing capabilities

Tool and die manufacturing offers many possibilities in a number of industries. Large manufacturing companies often rely on this process to provide products that have a wide range of applications - durable goods, appliances, transportation, robotics, electronics, medical devices and green technology. Specifically, tool and die making offers three important capabilities to users: deep drawing, stamping, and prototyping.


Deep drawing

In this manufacturing technique, hard tools such as punches and binders are used to produce components for the automotive industry. Deep drawing uses tensile and compression conditions to form and shape flat sheet metal blanks into hollow bodies that can open on one side or have a smaller cross-section.


With deep drawing, flat metal sheets are punched and the punch stretches the material formed in the die to achieve a defined shape. Although deep drawing can stretch metal panels, it does not reduce their thickness, helping to maintain their strength and durability.



Stamping is a metalworking process that uses a press to cut or shape material into any desired shape and size. Flat metal sheets are placed in a press and techniques such as blanking, punching, bending, embossing, casting and flanging are used to manipulate the material.


Furthermore, there are several types of stamping presses used in tool and die manufacturing, including:

Mechanical presses


Using a motor connected to a mechanical flywheel, mechanical presses transmit and store energy faster than hydraulic presses. These are ideal for creating shallower and simpler parts and often use progressive transfer or stamping techniques.

Hydraulic press


This type of press uses pressurized hydraulic fluid to apply force to the material. Hydraulic pistons can displace fluid proportionally, resulting in better pressure control compared to mechanical presses. Hydraulic presses are often used in smaller production lines because they produce deeper and more complex stampings than other techniques.

Mechanical servo presses


Instead of flywheels, mechanical servo presses use high-power servo motors to produce products faster than other presses. Manufacturers can also program sliding motion, positioning, stroke and speed into these presses to increase efficiency. However, mechanical servo presses are more expensive than other stamping presses.

Tool and mold manufacturing is beneficial in developing prototype units. Tool designers and engineers often collaborate to produce desired results. Tool and die makers are ideal for this job because they can build complex machines and understand mechanics.


Tool and die technology can then recondition broken tools, dies, jigs, gauges and other fixtures.




Types of stamping molds today


Including: Drawing cutting, deep stamping, punching, etc. Depending on usage requirements, you can choose the appropriate type of cutting.


Claw stamping mold:

Processing details from simple to complex, high precision, good surface gloss. Used to produce aluminum and stainless steel pots and pans, medical supplies, etc.


Deep stamping mold:

It is a form of stamping that goes through many stages to produce a product.


Punching mold:

High precision, capable of punching many parts at the same time. Handle details quickly and accurately, including: bolts, washer, door hinges, radiator pipes,...


Used mainly for metal processing purposes. Practically applied in many areas of life.



Hotline 0908.286.507 Consulting on Stamping Mold Design - Complete Stamping Mold


TRI VIET MECHANICAL - ELECTRICAL CO., LTD - With the motto: "Adding value together with you" - Tri Viet Electric is pleased to welcome and cooperate with all customers in the future.



Address: III-14 Street No. 13, Tan Binh Industrial Park, Tan Phu District, HCMC


Hotline: 0908.286.507








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