Đầu ghi hình chuyên dụng DS 7732NI I44K

ID tin: 3645859Gửi lúc: 10:44, 01/05Toàn quốc
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Song Phương, Hoài Đức, Hà Nội
Ảnh số 1: Đầu ghi hình chuyên dụng DS 7732NI I44K
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Đầu ghi hình DS-7732NI-I44K dòng cao cấp.

  • Up to 32 channel IP cameras can be connected
  • Up to 1-ch@32 MP/2-ch@24 MP/16-ch@1080p decoding capacity
  • Only (B) version support 2 HDMI and 1 VGA interfaces, and HDMI interfaces support independent video output
  • 4 HDDs for continuous video recording
  • Supports various special function cameras, including thermal camera/fisheye/people counting/heatmap/ANPR (automatic number plate recognition)
  • Advanced streaming technology enables smooth live view and data self-correction in poor network conditions
  • Supports dual-stream recording to save time and bandwidth.
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Song Phương, Hoài Đức, Hà Nội
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Song Phương, Hoài Đức, Hà Nội
Ảnh số 1: Đầu ghi hình chuyên dụng DS 7732NI I44K