Shure SE215 cho anh em chơi nhạc

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Ảnh số 1: Shure SE215 cho anh em chơi nhạc


Giy phép đăng ký kinh doanh s 0105273484 do s kế hoch và đu tư TP Hà ni cp

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XVmedia Ph Vng: 67 Ph Vng (Gn cng Ph Đi hc KTQD, Xem sơ đồ tại ...tại đây), Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Ni. Tel 04.6278 4114 - 01277685678
XVmedia Láng H: 165 Láng H (Ngay ngã tư Láng - Láng H, Xem sơ đồ tại ...tại đây), Đng Đa, Hà Ni. Tel 04.66845567 - 0946 6789 13 - Email:
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Shure SE215

Giá : 2.695.000 VNĐ

Lưu sp | Mua hàng | So sánh

Shure SE215, Hàng chính hãng, Nguyên Seal. Bảo hành 6 tháng

Ảnh số 1: Shure SE215 - Giá: 2.695.000











Shure SE215 Review






Shure SE 215 and box

Ini­tial Impres­sions:
Wow, Shure SE215 actu­ally sounds good.   To con­tex­tu­al­ize, Shure SE210 was my first foray into IEMs around 4 years ago when I was work­ing in Korea.   Then I grew out of them as I moved to Klip­sch Image X5.  As there was a notice­able dif­fer­ence between the two, I stopped using the SE210.  Fast for­ward to the present. The SE215 is a dif­fer­ent IEM than the SE210 in appear­ance and sound.

The Sound: 8.5 / 10
I was sur­prised by it’s sound qual­ity.  The bass really rocks and the mids and highs sound clean and not over­whelmed by the bass.  I tested them out on dif­fer­ent gen­res like rock, elec­tronic, R&B, Jazz, and Clas­sic.   And they all sounded very good to my untrained ears.  It was great to lis­ten to 50 Cent’s “In da Club” again with these IEMs.

Shure SE215 hanging

The Looks: 8.5 / 10
As I men­tioned before SE215 is dif­fer­ent than the SE210.   Most notably, it has detach­able cables.  So If you dam­age the cable, although thick and sturdy (usu­ally the around the ears or the jack area), you can replaced it your­self.  I think the entire Shure SE line looks very mod­ern and sleek as it fits snug­gly in your ears.   The SE215 is the small­est in the fam­ily as it only has a sin­gle “micro­driver”.   The SE215 also comes in black or translu­cent.  The translu­cent mod­els look like a shrimp in some ways.

Shure SE215 (bot­tom) and SE210 (top)

Func­tion: 8/10

The SE215s are great for every­day use like com­mut­ing, at home, or for work­ing out.  As the SE215 is a noise iso­lat­ing IEM, you get peace from the outer world (you can even hear your­self breath).  They’re like wear­ing earplugs as you have to fit the foams in your ears. As a result, the IEMs are tricky to wear because you have to squeeze the foams and twist them in your ears to form a per­fect seal.  Once that’s accom­plished you have very fit IEMs that stay entrenched in your ears.  The over the ears and foam design is a boon and a bane.  For exam­ple, if you’re a jog­ger they’re per­fect (as often than not sweat com­bined with run­ning equals nor­mal ear­buds slip­ping off), but if you’re in an envi­ron­ment where you have to take them off fre­quently, then it becomes a has­sle.  On a side note, I wore them a lot in the gym and some­times the cable got caught as I was doing some bicep curls and they popped right off my ears.   This can be a bit of a shock as they fit tight around your ears.  So be care­ful. You don’t want to break your IEMs due to the cables stretch­ing. And one more thing, if you’re using an mp3 player or a phone with a case doesn’t have a recess for the jack area (e.g. my iPhone 4 case), the 3.5mm jack can’t be plugged in.

Shure SE215 and nano

Boom for the Buck Rat­ing: 8.5 / 10
Can’t say enough about the qual­ity of sound for the price.

Total: 33.5 / 10
Pros: looks good, detach­able cables, they stay on your ears, per­for­mance to price ratio.
Cons: learn­ing curve for putting them on, the process of wear­ing them is not as con­ve­nient (for some peo­ple), some mp3/phone cases are not com­pat­i­ble with the jack

Shure CBL-M+-K / CBL-M-K Review (Sept 26th/11):
Review by: Andrew Sit

After lis­ten­ing to the SE215 almost daily for 2/3 months straight, I can con­firm that the cable does pro­vide a sub­tle increase in sound qual­ity. I notice slightly deeper bass and clearer mids.  With these things (esp. cable upgrades) it is so slight, I hon­estly believe if you were to lis­ten to the cables back to back it would be indeed hard to tell.  But, I do con­firm that there is indeed an improvement!… Also depend­ing on pref­er­ence, the lack of mem­ory wire, and the fact that the cable con­necter is at an angle.  I find the upgrade cable MANY times more com­fort­able to wear than the stock cable. I always thought the orig­i­nal cable was good, finally Shure has used softer cables that pro­duce less rub­bing dis­tur­bance (micro phon­ics ).  But the upgrade cable is even more flex­i­ble and more comfortable.



Giy phép đăng ký kinh doanh s 0105273484 do s kế hoch và đu tư TP Hà ni cp

Thế gii tai nghe chính hãng | Dch v hàng đu vit nam | Giao hàng toàn quc

XVmedia Ph Vng: 67 Ph Vng (Gn cng Ph Đi hc KTQD, Xem sơ đồ tại ...tại đây), Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Ni. Tel 04.6278 4114 - 01277685678
XVmedia Láng H: 165 Láng H (Ngay ngã tư Láng - Láng H, Xem sơ đồ tại ...tại đây), Đng Đa, Hà Ni. Tel 04.66845567 - 0946 6789 13 - Email:
Facebook: http://www.fac...xvmedia
Yahoo: xvmedia | xvmedia_sale1 | xvmedia_sale2 | xuanvu_tranquykien
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Ảnh số 1: Shure SE215 cho anh em chơi nhạc