Hóa chất amino trimethylene phosphonic acid

ID tin: 3577280Gửi lúc: 15:19, 27/03Toàn quốc
Đã xem: 308 Bình luận: 0
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Kcn Hòa Khánh, Liên Chiểu, Tp Đà Nẵng

hóa chất Amino trimethylene phosphonic acid ATMP


Molecular Formula:C3H12NO9P3

Molecule Weight:299.05

Typical Active Content:50+/-2%

Appearance:Colorless to pale yellow clear solution

pH (1% solution):< 2.0

Specific gravity(20℃ ):1.30+/-0.05

Iron (Fe):< 35ppm

Chloride:< 1%


Scale control for cooling water & boiler water treatment

Scale control in evaporative desalination and reverse osmosis

Detergents and cleaning agent

Bottle washing:Prevent scale, spotting and filming

Textile industries:Stabilize peroxide, improve bleaching performance

Parking: 250kg/drum

LH: 0912.635.075 Hoặc 0932.826.664

Zalo: 0912.635.075                     

Email: vanhong.201089@gmail.com

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jajakk123 0912635075
Kcn Hòa Khánh, Liên Chiểu, Tp Đà Nẵng
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jajakk123 0912635075
Kcn Hòa Khánh, Liên Chiểu, Tp Đà Nẵng