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Hóa chất tolytriazole

ID tin: 3577566Gửi lúc: 16:28, 07/09Toàn quốc
Đã xem: 18 Bình luận: 0
Lưu tin
Kcn Hòa Khánh, Liên Chiểu, Tp Đà Nẵng

hóa chất xử lý nước VKCF- 908 : Tolytriazole (TTA)


Lolercular Formula: C7H7N3­

Typical Weight: 133.16

Typical Active Content: 99% minimum

Appearance: Pale yellow to brown solid form

Melting Point (0C): 80 - 850C

Ash ContentL 0.05% Maximum

Solubility: Soluble in polar solvent, slightly soluble in water and mineral oil.


Copper corrosion inhibitor in water cirulating systems.

Copper corrosion inhibitor in cleaners and detergent.

Copper corrosion inhibitor in hydraulic oil and other functional fluids.

Copper corrosion inhibitor in packager and wrapping materials.

Copper corrosion inhibitor in polisher and waxes.

Copper corrosion inhibitor in paints and lacquers.

Parking: 25kg/bag

LH: 0912.635.075

Zalo: 0912.635.075                     

Email: vanhong.201089@gmail.com

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Thông tin shop bán
jajakk123 0912635075
Kcn Hòa Khánh, Liên Chiểu, Tp Đà Nẵng
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Thông tin shop bán
jajakk123 0912635075
Kcn Hòa Khánh, Liên Chiểu, Tp Đà Nẵng