Bán đĩa video luyện thi SAT MATH của hãng VAI

ID tin: 475140Gửi lúc: 16:44, 18/04Hà Nội
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Hoàng Mai - Hà Nội

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SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) là bài kiểm tra khả năng của học sinh PTTH được sử dụng phổ biến nhất để kiểm tra đầu vào của các trường Cao đẳng và Đại học trên thế giới. Hầu hết các trường này tại Hoa Kỳ đều dựa vào SAT để đánh giá khả năng suy luận định lượng của học sinh.


  • Step-by-step solutions to even the most challenging SAT-type math problems
  • Insider shortcuts that help you save time and avoid lengthy computations
  • Unravel those mind-boggling problems and find quick, easy solutions
  • Learn when to use your calculator - and when not to
  • How to pick the right answers - and avoid those tempting wrong ones

The SAT may well be one of the most pivotal events of your academic career. In the few hours you spend taking the exam, your hopes of getting into the college of your choice could be realized - or dashed. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the pressure - but don't worry. Video Aided Instruction's SAT series gives you all the tools and techniques you need so you can become a savvy SAT-taker - and maximize your score!

Work along with a master teacher and SAT expert for extensive practice covering every section of the exam. Along the way, he'll reveal insider secrets about what the test-makers are looking for - and foolproof strategies for avoiding those exasperating traps that every SAT contains!

Many of the questions on the Math sections of the SAT can seem like genuine brain teasers that require sophisticated problem-solving skills. To succeed, you must combine your knowledge of numbers, operations, algebra, functions, geometry, measurement, data analysis, statistics, and probability - with a good measure of "outside the box" thinking that you won't learn in math class. Luckily, this unique program can help you excel! Your instructor's warm, conversational delivery and keen insight will help you make sense of even the most convoluted problems. You'll learn to answer all types of SAT Math questions - from multiple-choice to grid-ins - quickly, easily, and accurately. After viewing this program, you'll be able to make the most of your time and earn every point you can!

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