Bán đĩa DVD Killer Presentation Skills

ID tin: 477500Gửi lúc: 09:51, 22/04Hà Nội
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Hoàng Mai - Hà Nội

13000 đ/DVD

Killer Presentation Skills is a 90-minute video that will change forever the way you think about speaking in public.

Although speaking to a group is reported to be the Number 1 human fear, the truth is a bit more nuanced. The presenter in this video, author, speaker and trainer Doug Jefferys, clearly demonstrates that we only BELIEVE we fear public speaking because our most common behaviors when in the spotlight produce exactly the same physiological responses as when we are genuinely facing a life-threatening event. In other words, whenever our brain senses a potential threat, in this case the classic scenario of finding ourselves "one against many", the body responds with the same chemical preparations to deal with the "threat" as it does when you blowout a tire at 70 MPH.

Then, because of what most of us have been taught from an early age, we engage in behaviors that exacerbate this chemical surge. We become our own worst enemy. Not because we're weak, or think negatively, or are not prepared, as most of the "wisdom" out there would have us believe. Rather, because we come to the front of the room carrying a huge load of unavoidable baggage and then commit actions that the body has no choice to respond to other than to "crank us up".

The amazingly good news here is that this video shows you how, by simply changing a few of these wrongly taught behaviors, you can completely change your body's response; and with very little practice, the fear is first lessened, and then it is gone.

No drugs, no self-hypnosis, no fuzzy neuro-reprogramming, no reliance on "positive thinking" exercises that fail at the worst time. The process that takes you from a speaking zero to a speaking hero is one that simply involves modifying three things that you've done since your first stand-up book report in grade school. But beware: the power that comes with this new-found comfort and confidence can be intoxicating - and it's available to literally anyone who learns the technique and runs with it.

Although the presenter's approach runs counter to almost everything most people have read or learned about being successful at public speaking, his firm has taught thousands of participants who claim his techniques have literally changed their lives. Former president Bill Clinton, who is still regarded as the pre-eminent speaker in public life today, studied and embraced these very same techniques when running for president - to obviously great personal benefit. You may not become president of the United States, but wouldn't it be nice if the next time you spoke, people actually listened?

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ Mai Hoàng Hà SĐT: 0983377642.
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Email: hoanghabk88@gmail.com
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