3 video DVD về Quỹ Tương Hỗ The Mutual Fund Business Video Series

ID tin: 562251Gửi lúc: 15:02, 24/02Hà Nội
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3 DVD đào tạo về Quỹ Tương Hỗ - The Mutual Fund Business Video Series rất cần thiết cho những người làm trong ngành tài chính, đầu tư

Ảnh số 1: The Mutual Fund Business Video Series - Giá: 60.000

This video series follows the organization of the first nine chapters of Robert Pozen's The Mutual Fund Business. Each module,
approximately thirty minutes long, features a different mutual fund expert who presents an overview of a particular aspect of the
industry as well as real-life scenarios of how mutual funds operate. Each module is divided into several parts, with self-test questions at
the end of each part. The questions, along with the answers, are included in a workbook that also contains key slides for each module
and a glossary.

The series is divided into three sets:
Introduction to Mutual Funds
1. Investing through Mutual Funds
2. Background on the Mutual Fund Industry
3. Regulations Affecting the Mutual Fund Industry

Portfolio Management of Mutual Funds
4. Portfolio Management of Bond Mutual Funds
5. Portfolio Management of Stock Mutual Funds
6. Stock Trading for Mutual Funds

Mutual Fund Marketing and Shareholder Servicing
7. Retail Marketing of Mutual Funds
8. Retirement Plans and the Mutual Fund Business
9. The Transfer Agent and the Servicing of Shareholders

Giá: 60.000 VND/ 3 DVDs

Liên hệ: 0983 193 569

Email: trungdq@yahoo.com


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