Effortless English : Power English Now Bản cập nhật mới nhất ngày 05 08 09 của A. J. Hoge

ID tin: 339052Gửi lúc: 13:16, 25/08Hồ Chí Minh
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Effortless English : Power English Now

Đây là chương trình học Anh văn được đánh giá rất cao bởi tất cả những người học trên toàn thế giới.   Với một phương pháp khoa học, những bài học được thiết kế sẽ giúp bạn giao tiếp tiếng Anh thành  thạo như một người bản ngữ chỉ với  khoảng thời gian ngắn luyện tập đều đặn.


-Phiên bản Update ngày 05-08-2009 Power English Now gồm 8 file video của A. J. Hoge và 30 bài học mới.

( Video và mp3 chất lượng cao + pdf hướng dẫn)------> Giá bán 30000đ/1DVD

 Bản Effortless English Complete Lessons gồm có tất cả các level của Effortless EnglishReal English Conversation (10/2008) + Power English Now (8/2009)----> giá bán 80000đ/3DVD


  • -Original Effortless English Lessons
  • -Learn Real English
  • -Flow English Lessons
  • -Business English Lessons
  • -Real English Conversation 
  • -Power English Now 

All Lessons has just downloaded at 5th-Aug-2009. some lesson updated and some orthers removed.

I’m A.J. Hoge, the creator of the Effortless English Teaching System and the Director of The Effortless English Club- the most complete English speaking system for adult learners. My audio lessons are best-sellers in over 25 countries.

Fifteen years ago, at my first teaching job, I had a student named Gladys. Gladys was wonderful. She was intelligent, friendly, and she worked hard. Every day she studied English textbooks for 4 hours! She tried to remember 50 new vocabulary words every day!

But, after 6 months of hard work, she still could not speak. Sadly, this was true for all of the student’s in the class. I felt terrible. So I asked other teachers for help. But they had the same problem.. very few of their students improved either. That’s when I realized something was wrong– something is wrong with normal English teaching methods.

I wanted to help all of the happy, friendly, intelligent, wonderful students like Gladys– and I decided I would find an answer. I would find a way to help my students speak English quickly, easily, and automatically. For many years, I studied books about English teaching. I constantly tried new methods in my classes. I read research studies.

Eventually, I got a Masters degree in Teaching English… and that’s when I found incredible new methods. I was so excited! Immediately I began to use these new methods in my classes… and every day I worked hard to IMPROVE these methods.

After several more years of testing and improving, I finally found the answer! My students began to improve quickly. They learned to speak easily and automatically. And even better– they loved my classes and they were very very happy!

I was excited! I loved seeing my students improve. My classes were full of excited students!

But then I had another problem– I could only help a few students in my class. Yet, I knew there were thousands, perhaps millions of students who needed my help. I knew that everywhere in the world, there were English students who wanted to speak English well.

Finally, I had an idea– I would record my lessons and offer them on the internet to English students everywhere! It took a long time, and a lot of work, but finally I finished a full pack of lessons– my Original Effortless English Lessons!

Now, I can help students everywhere in the world… and now I can help you.

I’m so grateful to be your teacher. I promise I will always do my best to help you speak excellent English.

Read this article to learn more about the incredible Effortless English System that I made for you.


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