Dạy ảo thuật qua video dạy học ảo thuật Trọn bộ đầy đủ nhất, chuyên nghiệp nhất, uy tín No.1 Giá 30K

ID tin: 1025753Gửi lúc: 15:01, 24/10Toàn quốc
Đã xem: 2588 Bình luận: 1
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Dạy ảo thuật qua video dạy học ảo thuật- Trọn bộ đầy đủ nhất bao gồm:

1.  Encyclopedia Of Pickpocketing by Nicholas Byrd and James Coats (full 4. Volume)

2.  Sick by Ponta the Smith

3.  Creative Magic by John Cornelius

4.  Dan Harlan's Premium Blend Volume. 1-6

5. Magic John Bannon – impossibilia

Ảnh số 6

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1.  Encyclopedia Of Pickpocketing by Nicholas Byrd and James Coats (full 4. Volume)

( Trọn bộ đầy đủ 4 Volume- Giá 120K- Đĩa Xịn)

Ảnh số 7

Thông tin:

Dạy ảo thuật với Nhữnng điều tuyệt với nhất về lý thuyết về những điểm trên cơ thể, nghệ thuật đánh lạc hướng và điều quan trọng là chúng tôi sẽ giới thiệu cho các bạn những đọc chiêu để lấy đồ của khán giả, những kỹ thuật phân tâm, hướng đối tượng một cách tuyệt vời được thể hiện trong trọn bộ 4 Volume

2.  Sick by Ponta the Smith

(Giá 30K)

Ảnh số 8

Thông tin disc:

Nếu bạn nghĩ “Coin Magic” ngày càng bị lép vế so với “Card Magic” thì đây là một cuộc cách mạng cho sự thay đổi suy nghĩ ấy.Nếu đồng xu là những thứ được dùng để mua bán thì nay nó đã được thổi phép màu mang tên Ảo Thuật .Tổng  hợp những tinh túy nhất của coin magic nay bạn lại được bắt gặp trong bộ đĩa Sick-bộ đĩa bán chay nhất trên các shop ảo thuật quốc tế.

Bao gồm các trick như Spellbound, Three Fly, Coin Matrix, Tenkai Pennies, Coins Across và rất nhiều trick khác.....

Demo: http://www.you...5834RGo

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3.  Creative Magic by John Cornelius

( Giá 30k)

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Thông tin disc:

John Cornelius is one of the most creative inventors in magic. He has won just about every award given for creativity. You will appreciate his genius as he teaches outstanding routines, sleights and ideas for the beginner, expert and everyone in between. Learn effects used to baffle the top minds in magic, as well as material that has earned him magic's most prestigious awards. You will learn magic with cards, coins, cigarettes, balls, flash paper, business cards, ropes, handkerchiefs and more.

Routines performed and explained:

  • Super Card Rise: Three cards are selected and returned to the deck. The deck is placed in a drinking glass and the three cards rise out of the deck one at a time.
  • The Nip Clip (Baby Boom): Four coins simultaneously penetrate through the center of the table.
  • Vanishing Cigarette (SmokeFree): A lit cigarette cleanly vanishes after being placed in your hand. Magically it appears sticking out of your mouth.
  • Pocket Rocket Aces: Four Aces are lost in different parts of the deck as they individually disappear and appear in your pocket. As kicker ending the entire deck ends up in your pocket while the final ace is left in your hand.
  • Harry Anderson's Sliding Knot: Two pieces of rope are tied. The knot in between them is now slid back and forth on the rope and then untied.
  • Impromptu Ghost Trap: A solid object apparently materializes under a handkerchief.
  • On The Tip Of My Tongue: A card is selected and lost in the deck. The deck is placed in you jacket pocket. You turn your back to the audience as you name the card. When you turn back the card is seen hanging from your lips.
  • Silver/Copper Miser's Dream: Four silver coins are produced and tossed into your palm. When your fist is opened all the coins are shown to have changed into copper coins.
  • Marked: John's popular packet trick where four cards turn face up, change back color and finally have marked backs.
  • Three-Ball Routine (Jawbreakers): Three balls are dumped out of a box. The balls all vanish and appear back in the box.

Additional routines and techniques taught:
Flash Paper Production Techniques, Rubber Cigarette Manipulation, The Fan Steal, The Winter Change, The Silly Locking Penny, Cards To Pocket (Instant Travelers), Retention Pass, Bluff Matrix, Sly-Tension Vanish, Sponge Bowl, and more.

Running Time Approximately: 85mins

4.  Dan Harlan's Premium Blend Volume. 1-6

Ảnh số 13

Thông tin bộ disc:

From the highest fertile grounds of the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Lake Tahoe, California, comes one of America's most prized collections of high-quality close-up. Harlan's Premium Blend performances have been hand selected from only the finest routines in his vast field of expertise. Whether you crave the luscious simplicity of Powerful Presentations or the deep dark smoothness of authentic Sleight of Hand, you're sure to find a flavor you cannot live without! Six Volume Set.

Volume 1 - Totally Mental

- Photo Finish
- Natural Selection
- Magic Spell
- Harlan Hookup
- Under Covers
- Destination Unknown
- Mixed Emotions
- Both Sides Against The Middle
- Cryptic Cookie

Volume 2 - Deck Aid

- Ungimmicked Striking Match
- Counter Cross
- Peek Reversal
- Harlan Haunted Hookup
- Intuition
- Slomoco Aces
- Bound Ambition
- Attraction
- Copy-Cards

Volume 3 - Games People Play

- Matchbox Hustle
- Shape Shifters
- Rock, Scissors, Paper
- Sludge And Ice
- Micro-Morphosis
- What's The Point
- Irony Of The Arts
- Clue Me In
- Money In Cards

Volume 4 - Food Fun

- One Of These Days
- Credit Card Fraud
- Quick Cream
- Card Fortune
- Birthday Surprise
- Spread 'Em
- Nuts?
- Moon Cookie

Volume 5 - Funny Business

- Business Card Nightmare
- Your Fortune
- Penned-In
- Picture This
- Tenyo Zig-Zag Crayon
- Art Exchange
- Hotel Paradox
- Captain Dread
- "Scuowvic Jo Oml"
Volume 6 - Good Spirits

- Cut Deeper Reading
- Ritual Necklace
- Ashes To Ashes
- Horror Matrix
- Soulmates
- Your Sign
- Tarot Mental
- Viking Funeral

5. Magic John Bannon – impossibilia

( Giá: 30k)

Ảnh số 14

Thông tin bộ disc:

Some of John Bannon's best magical material is captured on this professional, broadcast quality video. Nearly 90 minutes of magical entertainment and instructions from one of magic's hottest talents. No doubt you are familiar with John's unique and creative style of magic from his best-selling book, Impossibilia: The Close-Up Magic of John Bannon. Take your seat and tune your dial for a one-on-one super session where you will learn all the details of:

  • Shriek of the Mutilated
  • Play It Straight
  • One is the Onliest
  • Heart of the City
  • The Birnman Revelation
  • Revolutionary Penetration
  • Strangers Gallery
  • Vacumn Packed
  • Shock Treatment
  • Directed Verdict IV
  • Shanghai Surprise
  • Photo Logic
  • Return of the Magnificent Seven

Ảnh số 1
Ảnh số 2Ảnh số 3Ảnh số 4



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