FX Educator kinh doanh ngoại tệ 2 video DVDs

ID tin: 491738Gửi lúc: 16:45, 23/12Hà Nội
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2 đĩa video DVD dạy kinh doanh ngoại tệ chuyên nghiệp, xem được trên TV/DVD player

Ảnh số 1

Part 1 - Forex Foundation: The Foundation of Successful Forex Trading!

1. Forex Foundation
2. Forex Basics

Part 2 – Market Structure: The Players Who Move the Markets!

Part 3 – Fundamentals: The Events That Move the Markets!

1. Fundamentals
2. Interest Rates
3. Economic Indicators
4. Currency Characteristics
5. Fundamental Strategies
6. China and the Future

Part 4 – Technical Strategies: Techniques for Successful Forex Trading!

1. Multiple Time Frames
2. FXEd Fibonacci Method
3. FXEd Trend Method
4. Volatility Breakout
5. The Elevator
6. The Detective
7. Pivot Point Technique
8. Breakouts
9. Triangles
10. The "Carry" Trade

Part 5 – Risk Management: The Key to Success in Forex Trading!

Part 6 – Putting it All Together: Putting Knowledge Into Action!

Part 7 – Stop Placement: Protect Your Trade and Your Account!

Bonus! - Q&A With Ed Ponsi: Ed Answers 20 Frequently Asked Questions!

Giá: 40.000đ/2DVD

Liên hệ:

Điện thoại : 0983 193 569

Email: trungdq@yahoo.com

Tài khoản Vietcombank: 0011 000 483 001

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