Căn bản về các quá trình sản xuất Wiley Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes video DVD

ID tin: 494208Gửi lúc: 16:10, 25/12Hà Nội
Đã xem: 330 Bình luận: 0
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video DVD này mô tả 22 quá trình sản xuất quan trọng nhất trong công nghiệp

Ảnh số 1

This DVD highlights 22 of the most important manufacturing processes, with each excerpt providing approximately five minutes of shop floor footage and animations to help visualize manufacturing concepts and technologies.

The topics covered include:

Machining Processes
Turning & Lathe Basics
Milling & Machining Center Basics
Basic Holemaking
Basics Of Grinding

Electrical Discharge Machining
Cutting Tool Materials

Forming Processes
Sheet Metal Shearing & Bending
Sheet Metal Stamping Dies & processes
Die Casting
Powder Metallurgy

Plastic Processes
Plastic Injection Molding
Plastic Blow Molding
Composite Materials & Manufacturing
Plastics Finishing

Additional Processes
Introduction To Workholding
Computer Numerical Control
Measurement & Gaging
Gears & Gear Manufacturing
Heat Treating

Giá bán: 20.000 đ

Liên hệ

Điện thoại : 0983 193 569

Email: trungdq@yahoo.com

Tài khoản Vietcombank: 0011 000 483 001


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