Interpreting Asia DVD Dạy Kinh Nghiệm Nghe Phiên Dịch

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2 đĩa video DVD Interpreting Asia - Dạy Kinh Nghiệm Nghe Phiên Dịch

Ảnh số 1
Đây là DVD dạy kĩ năng dịch thuật cực kì tuyệt vời cho những ai đang hoặc sẽ phải làm việc liên quan đến phiên dịch. Nó là kết quả của sự hợp tác giữa các chuyên gia của châu Âu và các giảng viên trường Đại học ngoại ngữ Hà Nội, nhằm mục đích phát triển kinh tế, đẩy mạnh hợp tác khu vực và tăng cường khả năng giao tiếp giữa các nước Á và các nước phương Tây.
Với sự hướng dẫn, giải thích vô cùng dễ hiểu, DVD chia làm từng Unit, mỗi unit sẽ hướng dấn các bạn từng bước làm sao để dịch cho hiệu quả. Cụ thể đó là các unit sau:

* Role of the Interpreter
* Public Speaking
* Concentration and Memory
* Note Taking
* Coping Tactics
* Cultural Awareness
* Professionalism

Asia Link Europeaid Co-Operation Office
Xiamen university
DCU Dublin City University
University Of Westminster
Training materials for liaison interpreters using dramas, documentaries and experts

Unit 1
Role of the Interpreter
true to meaning
correct role use first person
interpreting as a tour guide
interpreting national folklore
interpreting for shoppers
interpreting from texts
interpreting lectures
interpreting in museums
interpreting on informal ocassions
interpreting for businesses
interpreting for the military
interpreting for government ministers
interpreting conference presentations

Unit 2
Public Speaking

Why have the sales of AQA exceeded market expectations?
Why has AQA outsokt every other bottled water in the market?

Brian Fox
Director for Interpretation DG Interpretation
European Commission

Pham Sanh Chau
Former Ambassador, Deputy General Director
Institute for International Relations, Vietnam

Yu Hao
Senior interpreter for the Chinese government
and today we are giving you and you and you the once in a le time opportunity to join the AQA salees team.

and today we are giving you and you and you the once in a life opportunity to join
the AQA sales team.

+ confidence
+ eye contact
+ being heard

Paul Brennan
China Correspondent DG Interpretation
European Commission

Yang Liuyan
Interpreting at ACFTU/UNDP Workshop on trainer traning, China
+ conveying the speaker's humour

Nguyen Quy Tam
Interpreting at computer conference in Hanoi.
+formal presentation

Doan Duc Luu
Interpreting at Adversary Workshop in Hanoi, Vietnam
+ following the speaker closely

Ma Tao (Beijing Public Security Bureau)
Interprets for an officer of An Garda
Síochána - Ireland's National Police Service
+ conveying specialist information

Paul Brennan
China Correspondent DG Interpretation
European Commission
+ clear diction
+ expressiveness
+ stress
+ intonation

Brian Fox
Director for Interpretation DG Interpretation
European Commission

+ confidence
+ eye contact
+ strong voice

Unit 3
Concentration & Memory
Last year I arranged for our Vietnamese guests to take a trip to Green ...
somewhere on the river Thames ... where you can stand
with one foot in the eastern hemisphere and one foot in the west.

Ah Greenwich ! I think there is a famous maritime museum there..

I have reserved a table for one thirty for seven people ... at the Greyhound which is on the corner of Blackheath Road
and Waterloo Street.

+ accuracy
+ focus
+ concentration
Le Vu Khanh: Former InterPreter for Government Leaders of Vietnam
Bui The Giang: Director General, People - To - People
Relation Department, Vietnam

+ encoding
+ storage
+ retrieval
Prof. Lin Yuru
Former Dean of Foreign Languages
Department, Xiamen University, China

Pham Sanh Chau
Former Ambassador, Deputy General Director
Institute for International Relations, Vietnam

Xiao Xiaoyan,
Author, trainer and interpreter, China

Nguyen Quoc Hung
Presenter Vietnam Television and Vietnam Radio

Prof. Lei Tianfang, Dupty Dean of English Department,
Xiamen University, China

Le Vu Khanh
Former Interpreter for Government Leaders of Vietnam

Dr. Chen Jing,
Author, trainer and interpreter, China
a laboratory-based liaison interpreting traning session
+ gist
+ logical links
+ keywords
+ recall

Zhong Weihe
Dean at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
+ generalisation
+ comparison

Zeng Jinji,
Senior interpreter for Chinese government,
+ short term memory
+ memory training
+ memory before notes

Unit 4
Note Taking
Dr. Kevin Lin
Author & interpreting expert

Giá: 40.000 đ/ 2DVDs

Liên hệ:

Điện thoại : 0983 193 569


Tài khoản Vietcombank: 0011 000 483 001

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