Học kinh doanh qua mạng với LearnKey eBay Success Kit 3 video DVDs

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Học kinh doanh qua mạng với eBay - LearnKey eBay Success Kit 3 video DVDs

Ảnh số 1

he eBay Success Kit from LearnKey includes everything you'll need to know about starting and operating a profitable eBay business. This kit contains two complete LearnKey video courses on DVD - Making Money on eBay and Building a Store on eBay - and their companion workbooks. eBay is the world's largest trading community with millions of transactions conducted daily. With this kit you'll learn step-by-step how to run a successful eBay business from experts who have done it!


Making Money on eBay
Session 1
Section A: Online Auctioning
* Keys to Success
* Adam Hersh
* Online Auction Sites
* eBay Auctions
* Other Market Places

Section B: eBay's Site
* Home Page
* Exploring Categories
* Searching
* Buying Auction Items
* Placing Bids

Section C: Auction Items
* Event Auctions
* Charity Auctions
* Memorabilia
* Big Ticket Items
* Prohibited Items

Section D: Listing Auctions
* Creating a Sell Item
* Advertising Real Estate
* Choose Category
* Suggested Categories
* Category Strategies
* Titling Items
* Abbreviation
* Create Title

Section E: Auction Description
* Details
* Purchase Conditions
* Appearances
* Description Text
* HTML Text Controls
* Reuse
* Scheduling

Section F: Pricing
* Price Options
* Fees
* Starting Price
* Reserves/Low Prices
* Buy It Now

Section G: Auction Features
* Private Auctions
* Pictures
* Picture Layouts
* Listing Upgrades
* Counters
* Payment Methods
* Shipping
* Feature Statics
Session 2
Section A: After the Auction
* Follow up
* Shipping
* Non-paying Bidders
* Bidder Management
* 2nd Chance Offer
* Relisting
* Payment Services

Section B: Feedback
* Core of eBay
* Responding
* Getting Feedback
* Feedback Violations

Section C: eBay Services
* Benefits
* Conveniences
* Promotions
* Services Tab
* Buying/Selling Tools
* Trade with Confidence
* Authenticate Items
* ID Verify

Section D: eBay Stores
* Benefits
* Store Levels
* Featured Store
* Anchor Store
* Store Section

Section E: Auction Management
* Marketplace Integration
* Inventory Management
* Image Management
* Sale Management
* Storefront/Checkout Tools
* Order Management
* Preferred Solution Provider

Section F: Powersellers
* eBay Recognition
* Levels
* Benefits
* Maintaining Status

Section G: Trading Assistants
* Requirements
* Finding Clients
* Fees
* Limits

Section H: eBay Life
* eBay Community
* eBay Plans
Building a Store on eBay

Section A: eBay Storefronts
* Introduction
* Store Features
* Store Look & Feel
* eBay Themes
* Store Categories
* Store Policies
* Store Branding
* Store Types

Section B: Creating Listings
* Great Listings
* Photos/Descriptions
* Categories

Section C: Putting it Together
* Building Your Store
* Adding Items
* Tools

Section D: Yes! We're Open!
* Managing Elements
* Handling Buyers
* Feedback
* Listing Strategies
* Scheduling

Section E: After the Sale
* Shipping
* Shipping Process
* Finalize Sale
* It's Just Marketing!
* Growing Your Company

Giá: 50.000 /3DVDs

Liên hệ:

Điện thoại : 0983 193 569

Email: trungdq@yahoo.com

Tài khoản Vietcombank: 0011 000 483 001

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