Quản lý thời gian với video DVD Time Management from Inside Out with Julie Morgenstern

ID tin: 497681Gửi lúc: 11:29, 29/12Hà Nội
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Quản lý thời gian với video DVD Time Management from Inside Out with Julie Morgenstern. Đĩa chất lượng cao xem được trên TV/DVD Player

Ảnh số 1

Building upon the success of her bestselling book and PBS pledge success "Organizing from the Inside Out," Julie Morgenstern offers an entirely new, breakthrough system for taking control of your schedule and your life. In this program, Julie offers invaluable new insights and tools that will help viewers take control of their time, and help each of us have the time for what's really important in our lives.

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Điện thoại : 0983 193 569

Email: trungdq@yahoo.com

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