video DVD hướng dẫn về phong thủy Feng Shui Creating Environments For Success and Well Being

ID tin: 558318Gửi lúc: 08:13, 19/02Hà Nội
Đã xem: 647 Bình luận: 1
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Phong thủy - hướng dẫn tạo lập môi truờng cho thành công và sống khỏe. DVD video dài 1h xem được trên TV/DVD Player màn hình LCD rộng trong phòng khách cũng như trên máy tính cá nhân. Rất hữu ích đối với người chuẩn bị xây nhà mới, bố trí sắp đặt đồ đạc và trang trí trong nhà để tạo ra môi trường sống khỏe và thành công trong cuộc sống.

A Video Guide to Create Environments
for Success and Well-being

Ảnh số 1

Noted Feng Shui expert Deborah Gee, an Emmy Award-winning producer, brings you a practical, easy-to-understand 60-minute video on how to create living and work environments for serenity and success. His Holiness Grand Master Lin Yun Rinpoche, one of the world’s leading authorities on Feng Shui, shares his 50 years of wisdom. He is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan Tantric Buddhism of the Black Sect, whose school of Feng Shui embraces a practical approach that combines modern science with spirituality.

In "Feng Shui: Creating Environments for Success and Well-Being," Grand Master Lin Yun and practitioner Deborah Gee take you into offices and homes, room by room, and show you simple, inexpensive ways to:

  • Arrange your furnishings to enhance career, relationships, and health.
  • Transform your living and work space to reduce stress and promote tranquility.
  • Choose the location and design of a house or office for greater success.

Video Highlights

  • You’ll discover how people use Feng Shui to increase their incomes, encourage romance, and improve vitality.
  • You’ll also feel the before and after differences good Feng Shui brings to homes and offices.
  • You'll learn how different parts of your home contain energies related to your life, i.e. wealth, career, romance, creativity, children, etc.
  • You'll learn Feng Shui Fixes. Most living and work spaces have Feng Shui problems. But for almost every problem, there is a solution. Our video addresses some of the most common design problems and provides easy, inexpensive Feng Shui fixes. For example, if your office is configured so that you have no choice but to sit with your back to the room's entry, hang a mirror on the wall in front of you to reflect what is behind you. The mirror will draw in ch'i and direct it to you.
  • An easy-to-use guide of Feng Shui tips is included with our video.
  • A brief history of Feng Shui is provided.
  • A renowned Stanford physicist offers a scientific explantion of how Feng Shui works.

The Black Sect School of Feng Shui

The Black Sect School of Feng Shui takes into consideration physics, psychology, architecture, and design in its Feng Shui analysis. While traditional Feng Shui relies upon a compass, the Black Sect School considers the immediate environment to be more important because the ch'i (energy) flow of cardinal directions is influenced by so many factors of modern life - i.e. tall buildings, freeway structures, power lines, computers, televisions, etc. So Black Sect practitioners study the changing dynamics of ch'i by examining the immediate surrounding exterior: landscape, conditions of nature, roads, neighboring structures, building design -- and interiors: room shapes, angles, colors, placement of furnishings. Other Feng Shui factors that can bring good luck and bad luck are discussed in our video.

Success Stories

"We've been going gangbusters since Feng Shui corrections were made. There was an immediate increase in both cash flow and productivity."
- Primo Angeli, Internationally Known Graphic Designer

"I feel that I have a breath of fresh air in the house. I feel more creative. My social life expanded, a little bit of romance. It’s not such a struggle to get myself to do things as it used to be."
- Lynne Witser, University Alumni Scholarship Director

"Feng Shui makes great design sense. It deals with a lot of practical issues that I think sometimes we (architects) forget about…My client (a shopping mall) was delighted with the Feng Shui changes. Business was up so much."
- Bruce Pao, Architect

"When we’ve done children’s rooms, I’ve seen them blossom and I’ve seen people’s businesses grow. And it seems to me that Feng Shui has something to do with that."
- Joan Malter-Osburn, Interior Designer

Giá: 20.000 VND/DVD

Liên hệ: 0983 193 569

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